Happy Halloween
Usually the weather turns lousy just in time for the Trick or Treaters. Rain, or few years ago we even got snow. Then the next day it's beautiful outside.
Tonight's weather, however, should be decent -- dry and cold enough for the kids to wear their costumes and not sweat to death -- 28 º F/4 º C. Which means we'll get lots of kids at the door.
D swears that we've got enough Snickers, Butterfingers, and Twix, but I'm not so sure and I'm going to pick up some more chocolate this afternoon. I think last year he went to a yoga class or something, and I was home alone when the candy ran out and I had to turn out the lights and hide. Right now, our "back up" candy is Smarties and caramels, and I don't want to be that house with the disappointing treats or lights out.
Lib's ready to greet the hordes.
Here's hoping all your treats are just right.