sweetfigs   s w e e t   f i g s


                in pursuit of a fruitful life


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

WIP -- Embroidery, well, sort of

Here's one of the little embroidery kits I picked up at the Country Living Fair a few weeks ago. When it's finished, I'm going to attach it to the grey tote I made for my swap partner in the International Tote Swap.

All the colorwork is done, and you can see on the left side where I started to fill in around the black circles with some grey embroidery floss. PDRM2742The embroidery design is called Penny Rug, but it reminded me of a Kandinsky painting, or even a milliflori glass paperweight.Kandinsky's Farbstudie QuadrateI'm running short of the grey floss, so I tried to use the white that I saw in the painting or the glass paperweights. The white embroidery floss, on the right in first photo, gives the design a totally different look. I decided it wouldn't coordinate as well with the grey tote I made, so I put the project aside until I could get more grey floss.


Blogger Jillio said...

wow, how cool! i can't sit still long enough for embroidery, so one project takes me FOREVER.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Angela said...

It's gorgeous! Yes, let's talk swap about the latvian mitten book :)

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so pretty - i love the bright colours together

9:56 AM  

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