sweetfigs   s w e e t   f i g s


                in pursuit of a fruitful life


Thursday, June 14, 2007

I told you he was good

After tracking down the problem, acquiring this thingie, and spending at least an hour on the phone with our Internet provider, D restored our access to the web! Yay! So what makes a router go bad? A power surge? We're not sure when the old router quit working, since our computer was just automatically connecting us to whatever wireless network it could find. Ooops. I would apologize to our neighbors if I had any idea who they were.

Now where was I? Oh yes, Graduation Day. Don't let the bright sunshine fool you, it poured a bit later and our celebratory cookout got moved indoors.

Libby got to hang with her favorite boy toy, Carson:

And on the way home, my exhausted girl enjoyed the full width of the back seat. See Karen, how's that for a companion animal money shot?

Fast forward to World Wide KIP Day 2007, which was over way to fast. I spent a couple of hours over at the annual Printers Row Book Fair with GirlReaction and then walked over to the park, where I joined my usual KIP group. The turnout was great, but I took all of one picture.

From left to right, there's new Chicagoan/new knitter/nonblogger Molly, Sturdy Girl, Bonne Marie, and Mary McCain. Three out of four are wearing their handknits!

I think that catches me up. I've got a few WIPs in rotation. More about those later. And yes, I realize they're all red, purple, or pink. What can I say.



Blogger Bonne Marie said...

Welcome Back! ;)

What great pictures -- I especially LOVE the Libs all relaxed and casual - tooo funny!

8:42 AM  
Blogger Navi said...

That router looks slightly intimidating, but you have internet so yay!

You all look so cute in your hand knits, hope you had a blast.

12:55 PM  
Blogger monica said...

Libby looks so comfy! :) WWKIPD looks like it was so much fun. I'm bummed that they started these fun knitting events after I moved.

2:51 PM  
Blogger sturdygirl said...

glad everyone had a good time, despite the rain! your dog is funny. and thanks for posting the pic of the KIP ladies! we should have asked someone to take it for us so you could be in it too. :(

4:00 PM  
Blogger La Cabeza Grande said...

Hmm. What makes a router go bad? Bribes in the form of promises of unfettered bandwidth from faster, more popular networks. That and too much tequila.

Lovely Libby! She's fabulously relaxed and dreaming of who knows what. She's a cutie!

Big hugs for your help on Saturday. This I mean most sincerely.

10:54 PM  
Blogger Monika said...

Oh-my-god! THis shot of your Weimaraner is prizeless!

6:21 AM  

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