sweetfigs   s w e e t   f i g s


                in pursuit of a fruitful life


Friday, June 15, 2007

Eye Candy Friday, sort of

From the northwoods. What do you think, is it really eye candy? It's not the usual floribunda.

We'll be back in the northwoods in a few weeks, for the 4th of July. The little town nearby always has a little parade, with the firetruck, the V.F.W. group, a few baton throwers, and some local businesses. The cars honk and flash their lights and the marchers throw candy to all the kids, big and little.

Although there's been talk of dressing up and decorating one of the cars so that we could march in the parade representing the homeowners on our lake, we have never actually carried through. It would be a bit of work, and we usually get to the U.P. just before the parade. Maybe next year when the 4th falls later in the week and we would be up there in time to put things together.

I'm also getting ready for a short trip to North Carolina. When my grandmother died in a Florida nursing home last Fall, we postponed a memorial service until everyone could get back to her hometown in the Outer Banks. We'll be having a simple service at the graveyard, when her ashes are joined with her husband's. My mom declined the cemetery's offer to roll out the Astroturf and put up a tent. Too fussy for the simple country service we envisioned. It will probably be hot and muggy on the coast in late June, and we plan to wear sandals, lightweight cotton skirts and pants, and no tie for my brother. If anyone would like us to flaunt convention and just come as we are, it would be my grandmother. Afterwards, the family and friends will head to a local restaurant for lunch. I expect it to be a little bittersweet to reminisce and catch up with everyone. Being the world traveler, my grandmother would appreciate that we're coming in from all parts, especially my mom, who is flying in from Bavaria.

When I get back from Raleigh, I'll have a week at work, and then head to the U.P. It really feels like summer is here.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's eye candy. Cool photo.

11:15 AM  
Blogger La Cabeza Grande said...

Not the usual, but intriguing nonetheless. Reminds me of a shot I took in Amsterdam, with its textured browns and greens:http://farm1.static.flickr.com/52/142231319_163009cd95.jpg

12:22 PM  

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