sweetfigs   s w e e t   f i g s


                in pursuit of a fruitful life


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

There She Is

Leave it my sister, the family geneologist, to have a digital picture of our grandma. This portrait was taken in the mid 1970s, when she would have been in her mid 50s. This is how I remember her. The glint in her eye, about to break into laughter, and the soft upswept hairdo. When I look at this picture, I can hear her voice.

If Grandma were to pick out her photo for this blog, it would probably be something like this one from Rome. She loved to travel, but her husband didn't, so she ventured to the far stretches of the world without him. She's the lady on the far right with those sensible walking shoes, again with the upswept hairdo. I think this one was taken in the late 1960s. The caption written on the back of this photo reads GIOBERTI-Roma-Via-Paolina-5-A-S.-Maria-Maggiore. I'll have to search the internet a bit and figure out what it means -- maybe its the name of the photographer?
And last, just in case Grandpa is feeling left out, here's an undated photo of him. I think he's showing me one of the crabs that he liked to catch in cages that floated off shore from his North Carolina home. He passed away when I was still in school and its a little hard for me to remember him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was lovely, really.

7:39 AM  

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